Marc Crothall, who is 57 years young has spent all 40 years of his working life in tourism, leisure and hospitality industry. Prior to taking up his current, he held many front-line senior management and executive positions across various sectors of the tourism, hospitality and leisure industry indifferent parts of the world including posts in South Africa, France, the Channel Islands, London, the Highlands of Scotland and in his home city of Glasgow.

Marc was appointed into his current role as Chief Executive Officer of The Scottish Tourism Alliance (STA)in June 2012 and during this time has led the organisation to becoming one of the strongest representative trade bodies in the country. He was awarded the “Fellowship” by the Scottish Hotel industry for his outstanding contribution to the industry.

Marc recently chaired the national Strategy Steering Group that was charged with developing and overseeing Scotland’s future tourism strategy Scotland Outlook 2030which was launched at the beginning of March by Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. His focus for the past 8 weeks since the launch is 100% on theCovid19 agenda where he is lead industry representative on the Scottish Tourism Emergency Response Group(STERG). As well as working with STERG he also spends much of his time working closely with senior ministers in both Scottish & UK governments to secure and bring forward a package of support for all business and those who work directly with the sector to see them through to the other side.

He also chairs the National Food Tourism Leadership Board is Scotland’s representative on the UK Tourism Industry Council and is a board member of Interface and Springboard (Scotland) Marc is married with 5 children 30yrs-12yrs, lives in Glasgow and is passionate about all things Scottish especially the food and drink!